How did I get here?

Well, I hope to answer that question with a chart

        graph TD;
            A[Born!] --1995 Calabasas, CA--- B[Start scuba diving as soon as I am old enough];
            B --- C[Take interest in Marine Biology];
            C --2013 Miami, FL--- D[Graduate from Viewpoint School and start at University of Miami];
            D --- E[2 Marine Biology internships];
            D --- F[Switch from Biology to Chemistry];
            D --- G[Learn to code, weld, calculate wave functions...] --- J;
            E --- H[Learn that I enjoy tooling more than research];
            F --- H --- J[Discover MT, its beauty and its thriving tech industry];
            J --2017 Bozeman, MT--- K[Graduate and start working in Electronics Manufacturing];
            K --- L[Learn CAD, CAM, EDA];
            L --- N[Order first PCBs and finish many projects];
            K --- M[Get really good at soldering];
            M --- N --- O[Annika, my wife, starts Grad school at Duke];
            O --2019 Durham, NC--- P[Work at tech startups in the Research Triangle Park];
            P --- Q[Establish myself as a Systems Engineer];
            Q --2024 Bozeman, MT--- R[Move back to the mountains];
            R --- S[Software Engineer at AED]
            R --- T[Amateur Mycologist]
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